PSJ Pharmacy Delivery
Aaron Moon from PSJ Discount Pharmacy explains how he's able to utilize BloomText to improve communication with his customers and his delivery team.

Aaron Moon is the Marketing Manager of PSJ Discount Pharmacy in Florida. As the former Delivery Manager, Aaron plays an important role not only customer satisfaction, but in operations as well.
As PSJ continued to grow across it's 12 locations, Aaron turned to BloomText to help save over 2 hours of time per day for each of his drivers, while simultaneously maintaining high quality relationships with their ever-growing base of customers.
Below are the highlights from my interview with Aaron, recorded in January 2021. I hope you enjoy!

Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Aaron Moon and I'm the marketing manager for Port Saint John Pharmacy Group in Florida. Right now, we have 12 locations and were looking at expanding further.
Generally what I do day to day is interact between each business location and do a little bit of work with the customers and deal with Facebook, Google, and also BloomText.
What's special about your organization?
One of the best things that I like about the company is the fact that we treat everybody, all of our customers, like our own family. It's very common in in other pharmacies to just be a number.
We treat everybody, all of our customers, like our own family.
At our pharmacy, we can always find coupons to benefit the customer. We can charge their meds as cash pricing if our cash price is cheaper than what their insurance copay would be; we try to go above and beyond and help the customer find an alternative or maybe a generic versus a name brand.
Little things like that can really make a huge impact and we definitely enjoy doing that sort of thing at the stores.
How does PSJ utilize BloomText today?
Logging Deliveries
When making deliveries it's very important to make sure that every step of the process is thoroughly documented.
We have between six and 10 delivery drivers out for 12 hours each day, and some of them are long distance, some of them are local. So especially for the delivery department, it is a huge benefit because then the delivery driver can simply report their delivery on BloomText and move on versus having to write it down or call the pharmacy and report it... On average, our drivers save 2 hours of time each day using BloomText. It really adds up.
On average, our drivers save 2 hours of time each day using BloomText. It really adds up.
Receiving Prescriptions
We prefer to receive prescriptions electronically. That's one of the areas where BloomText is really good because we already have an established method of communication that is HIPAA compliant. So any time we we need to receive a prescription and for some reason our fax machine is not working or it's just more convenient, they can send it over via BloomText. And that's really been beneficial for us.
Working with Assisted Living Facilities
What will generally happen is the doctor from an assisted living facility will send in the prescription electronically or via fax, and then we'll just talk with the nurses or the staff at the facility on BloomText and make sure everything is in order.
For example, we can let them know that a medication needs special ordering, that it'll be in the next day or hey, we notice that there's a mistake on this prescription. So we can get that corrected immediately versus waiting and trying to get a hold of the doctor later. It's much easier.
Who should use BloomText?
Any organization that has to deal with HIPAA compliant information, whether it's the provider or it's the patient themselves or the pharmacy, even the the drug manufacturers really.
We're trying to get everybody on board with Bloom. So that way it's standardized and it's easy to manage versus all these different apps, because that's one of the issues that we're having now, is that there are too many different forms of communication and we want to standardize that.
We're trying to get everybody on board with Bloom.
That way it's it's much easier to understand both through less time consuming. I don't have to spend all day going over dozens of reports. I can just look at one or two reports that are more condensed.
How did COVID-19 impact your business?
The easy answer is it increased business. It really caused us to take a look at how we're interacting with the customers and redesign our practices. So that way, especially with the deliveries, we're going to people's houses, and we're going to hospice facilities.
People are getting sick, they're getting tested positive and they come right to the pharmacy. So we just we we kind of redesigned everything from the ground up. And I feel like it really benefited us.
We redesigned everything from the ground up. And I feel like it really benefited us.
How does the industry need to Improve?
The area of communication is is something that needs improvement, and there's really there's a bit of a space to be filled, so to speak, because there's not really a lot of information about good tools that are not only affordable, but easy to understand and easy to use.
I think that a lot of other people are just doing the bare minimum, whether they're they're sending emails or they're just speaking over the phone. It really takes a lot of extra time to do that. And it's not as secure.
Are you excited about the future?
I am. Progress is definitely good and I feel like that as a country, we're going to emerge stronger than we were before, and it can be a little bit challenging at times, but if anything, it's it's really showing us what's important. And it can be a little bit difficult to take that initial step. Sometimes being coerced into that step can can help out a little bit. And then you'll realize this actually works a lot better and it can be more comfortable for you.
I feel like that as a country, we're going to emerge stronger than we were before